In 1965, Ceylon became the world's leading exporter of tea, with 200,000 tonnes of tea being shipped internationally annually.
Bols has a line of internationally shipped vodka, flavored vodkas, gin, and genever.
The output of these refinieries is shipped internationally through the ports of Amuay and Cardón.
In some countries, such as Nigeria and Camaroon, African manatees are sold to zoos, aquariums, and online as pets, sometimes being shipped internationally.
Pumice mining has become a large industry on Lipari, and the pale pumice from Lipari is shipped internationally.
Most parts are available in the United States but some have to be located in Europe and shipped internationally.
By 1956, vending machines were being shipped internationally to 20 different countries.
The main crop in Galeana is the potato, which is exported to different states and is also internationally shipped.
Of internationally shipped waste that comes from developed countries, more than half is shipped for recovery and the remainder for final disposal.
According to the Malcolm Hall website, the company today still "creates exquisite, rock-inspired, suits in velvets, satins, leathers, silks, denims, and rich brocades, which are shipped internationally."