Furthermore, the vertical clearance above the river - once among the highest in the world - could no longer accommodate modern shipping vessels.
Can also represent a line traced by a shipping vessel.
At least 57 shipping vessels were destroyed; damage from these ships collectively totaled about $375,000.
The platform is focused on the responsible ship breaking disposal of end-of-life shipping vessels.
Shipping - Allco own or manage 38 shipping vessels with another 23 on order.
Industrial port provides access for 90-100 large shipping vessels yearly.
As the shipping vessels returned to Alexandria, they carried sugar, molasses, whiskey, and cotton.
Easily small enough to be handled by the screens on any sublight shipping vessel Bajor put out.
Obadiah's initial role was as master of his brother's shipping vessels in the West Indies trade.
Huge mountains, tall and craggy, flanked his shipping vessel.