Ms. Jimenez said she needed me in a show that was part of a group exhibition called "Fantastic Planet" at an old shipping warehouse in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
In late 2008 construction completed on the old shipping warehouse on the north end of the brewery, now called Full Goods.
He built the City Hotel, the first hotel in San Francisco, and the first commercial shipping warehouse, the latter on what became Leidesdorff Street off the Embarcadero.
Earlier this year, the company took over management of its shipping warehouse - a task previously handled by a contractor.
Dodd made his way over to the shipping warehouse and gently dropped off his sixth load of inertia-null units.
The company maintains six regional shipping warehouses.
This system means Blockbuster will not have to create huge shipping warehouses.
It is a former shipping warehouse and the first building to attract a major company to Jersey City back in 1983.
That will put you inside the shipping warehouse.
Bridgewater House was built as a shipping warehouse in 1912 to a design by Harry S. Fairhurst.