The shirt goes higher and reveals more braises on her back.
She looked at him, a little surprised, smiling, making no attempt to hide what the open shirt revealed of her body.
Scant black hair covered those portions of its body that an open shirt and a loin cloth revealed.
His tattered shirt revealed arms and chest crisscrossed with scars.
His sleeveless shirt revealed a body that seemed to consist of nothing but bone and muscle.
He glanced into the mirror and saw that his open shirt revealed the scars at his throat.
He was a big man, and his shirt, open almost to the waist, revealed a torso that could have been carved by Michelangelo.
His demin shirt was nearly unbuttoned and revealed pale, smooth skin.
If flapped vigorously enough, a shirt reveals its ability to create a cool and refreshing breeze.
His shirt was unbuttoned at the throat, revealing corded muscles and brown skin.