A simple fire in Maggie's car engine was not potentially fatal, but the shock clearly triggered a heart attack.
These shocks completely unnerved three grenadier battalions and triggered a mass surrender.
The shock of his arrest and the rough treatment meted out by his captors had triggered a clean contact.
A shock that's strong enough to cause a magnetic polar reversal will trigger a geologic shift of the earth's crust.
There, he witnesses Samantha call Bill "Dad", and the shock triggers a second heart attack.
The shock to her eyes triggered a nauseating pain in her head.
Internal shocks within the ejecta presumably trigger the initial gamma ray burst.
"A major shock - say, a war in the Persian Gulf - could still trigger a recession," he says.
The shock must have triggered some firing mechanism and it went off prematurely.
The disturbing shock of urgent passion triggered by Teilani's unexpected appearance.