Congress enacted the standards in 1987, after disclosure of shocking abuses in nursing homes, where many patients were drugged or strapped to their beds.
It was a year ago today that the stories and photos of the shocking abuses at Abu Ghraib prison first came to the public's attention.
They did not yet comprehend that the settler became their absolute master and they his official slaves, a system which openly encouraged the most shocking abuse.
In the face of shocking abuses, leaders of organized philanthropy proved to be scandalously ineffective in defending themselves.
The main exhibition has been designed to avoid exposing very young children to the more shocking abuses of blacks in American history.
The evidence the police collected in the inquiry documented shocking abuse, Mr. Gamble said.
That has led to shocking abuses, and I'll see an end to them.
Further reforms put in place by the head of the new force make any repetition of such shocking abuses unlikely.
"It's a shocking abuse of medical research for marketing purposes."
The children were suffering from severe neglect and shocking abuse.