He offers no documentation of any of his claims, including Dr. Gallo's shocking admission that he was ashamed that his group "hadn't discovered the blasted virus before the Pasteur people."
That both apologized for mistakes - a shocking admission for a politician when Mayor John V. Lindsay did so in his 1969 campaign - suggests that candidates have more humility today.
Valentine kept making salient points and predicted that he would be dull this season, perhaps the most shocking admission from an engaging man.
That is the shocking admission of the week.
Perhaps this is a shocking admission, but my hunch is that I'm not the only one doing it.
It was a shocking admission because he was two years away from free agency and a huge contract.
Was it merely Carpathia's shocking admission that made him long for something or someone comfortable and safe?
But to a growing number of critics, this statement is viewed as a shocking admission of prejudice.
Yet here was the shocking admission that even the most conspiracy-minded skeptics didn't know the half of it.
However, Jay's most shocking admission is that the famous couple previously had an unsuccessful attempt to bear another child.