One shocking aspect of the News of the World scandal is the way that it had, for some time, been in plain view.
The most shocking aspect of heightened security is not the inconvenience but the application of an honor system at numerous security checkpoints.
The shocking aspect of this epidemic is that many patients do not really care about the disease even if their toes or limbs have to be amputated.
Perhaps the most shocking aspect of Cone's performance was how effective each of his pitches was.
Despite its often shocking aspects, her art is part of the tradition of Japanese art going back centuries.
The committee reported that, "The most shocking aspect of the matter is that there is no method or principle followed for particular institutions.
The other shocking aspect of Sunday's protest vote was the 10 percent of voters who turned to Trotskyist candidates.
"The size of the shortfall is what's the shocking aspect to everyone here," he said.
One particularly shocking aspect of such violations is the increasing use of sexual violence as a weapon of war.
Taussig confronts his readers with shocking aspects of humanity, intending to force them to reflect and reevaluate.