The results were some shocking changes - shocking mostly because they had not been made years before.
Then, in a shocking change, it pitched to one side and spun half a turn.
The first signs of schizophrenia often appear as confusing, or even shocking, changes in behavior.
The utterly unaltered voice and attitude added a strange violence to that shocking change of speech.
Much of its intensity came from the shocking change in the teacher, once he learned what was going on.
What had happened to bring this shocking change about?
In short, it was a time that the shocking changes of the past 10 years had finally become mainstream.
Not choice, but - at best - process, and, at worst, shocking, total change.
However, you're probably not ready for the shocking change that has taken place since you last saw them.
Gregory had been screaming for some time past; now there was a change in his accent, more shocking than any scream.