The two clouds met, spuming around each other, but each remained separate in a shocking contrast of light and dark.
In the fall, the brightly colored leaves create an almost shocking contrast with the deep blue water in this part of the lake.
Although I still don't enjoy my trips to the basement, they're no longer a shocking contrast to the rest of my life.
It was a shocking contrast to the torrid tropics, which they had left behind less than a week before.
This room and the others in the queen's apartments provided a shocking contrast to the other parts of the palace she had seen.
But there was also some shocking contrast of utter civility and star-spanning culture.
The story provides a shocking contrast between the conservatism of the young couple and the disreputable way in which they make their living.
The pink sneaker, in shocking contrast to the bloody crime scene.
The pastel interior of the modern office was a shocking contrast to the gray ferromorph corridors outside.
ŁThe soldiers made a shocking contrast to their setting.