But it is left to Lieberman's wife to sum up the shocking ending: "There may be times when it's best for everyone when someone really bad dies."
"They need to make the audience believe it is going to go a certain way," she told reporters on Thursday, "so they can have a shocking ending."
Events inexorably lead to a shocking ending, which at first feels like a plot twist.
Though if "resolution" can be said to exist, one suspects that the book's shocking ending (I'll say no more) provided the author with that and more.
It may air on HBO, but don't expect shocking endings for any of the characters when "Entourage" wraps up its final season later this year.
The next game he would work on, Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special, remains one of his most infamous to date due to its shocking ending.
Unlike Wednesday, there was not a shocking ending.
Gradually, common themes begin to emerge between the two stories, culminating in a shocking ending.
Its characters and images, although inventive, lack the psychological resonance to bring to life a fable that has an abrupt and shocking ending.
Mr. Block is known for his shocking endings, and this one has more voltage than most.