The killing was a shocking incident, but not uncommon in Tajikistan.
They zero in on it for a while, usually after a shocking incident, he said, and then move on to something else, as if the crisis were over.
As Ted is driving, Ruth reveals the shocking incident with Scott.
One such particularly shocking incident was perpetrated in 1947 during Phalgutshav or Holi celebrations.
A shocking incident at a party changes everything, rocking Sameer Khan's lifestyle.
More details emerged from one of the most shocking incidents of the operation, involving the shooting of a 13-year-old Palestinian girl.
But he was known most of all for one of the most shocking incidents in baseball history.
The shocking incident makes its way to the press and becomes a matter of hot debate in the city.
Havel commented: "It's a shocking incident but in some ways understandable.
It was obviously a shocking incident, although we have to put it in perspective: a lot worse has happened to other Members of this House.