Cliff Prior, the chief executive of Rethink, a mental health charity, said the report was "a shocking indictment of the way people with severe mental illness and their families have been treated for decades."
Is it a shocking indictment of our narcissism that we are ignoring "Until death us do part", because it's easier to slump in front of Facebook rather than book a candlelit table for two?
As the game was televised by a local TV station, the footage received sensationalistic national media coverage where the brawl was generally described as a shocking indictment on the code.
Speaking for the Union of Orthodox Rabbis, Rabbi David Hollander called the letter "a terrible, shocking, groundless indictment."
This is a shocking indictment of what is happening in our primary schools and it goes some way to explain the point you raise.
I did know that the marginalization of spirituality in Western culture seemed to me a shocking indictment of the society in which I lived.
Referring to the current system, he said, "We've created a welfare monster that is a shocking indictment of our sense of priorities."
We've created a welfare monster that is a shocking indictment of our sense of priorities.
It is a shocking indictment of our society.
To a public that had already accepted Clinton with his faults, the Starr report arrived not as a shocking indictment, but as a juicy soap opera with footnotes.