In a shocking move, he was removed from the block by veto winner Plant.
This shocking move led to many to speculate what the Wrangler's intentions were for the future.
Unless in some shocking move a high-profile Ipad/social/Facebook game is No.1.
In a swift and shocking move today, the Knicks dismissed Stu Jackson, their head coach.
His initial rating for, the on-line music and news provider, was a hold, a shocking move since his firm was among the underwriters.
Cutting Graham is simply another shocking move made by Reeves the week before the season opener.
In a shocking move, for the first time the ZR2 is offered with a 2WD model.
Henderson told MMAWeekly it's a shocking move, but he's open to fighting for anyone.
RK liability is a shocking move and indicates the BPA have lobbied effectively.
In the 2001-02 NHL season, Andreychuk made a shocking move which would pay dividends in the long run.