All of them whispered about the shocking murders which had struck down so many women just like them since Easter Monday.
Whatever the reason, it was one of most shocking murders in many years in a country unaccustomed to public or random violence.
Still, in the backcountry there is an isolation that can make even a shocking murder seem somehow remote.
I came across a pair of shocking murders in Maryland that bothered me for some unspecified reason.
The most shocking murder occurs shortly after.
In the novels, he solves shocking murders with his colleagues.
A shocking murder witnessed by a British woman during the Sepoy Rebellion changes the course of her life.
The shocking murder of a president is known by its victim: the Kennedy assassination.
At the same time a series of shocking murders occur with evidence suggesting it is her new lover / patient.
Over dinner, I brought up the shocking murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya.