This is the sad and shocking reality that we must confront.
Down-time men whose minds were sound and whole sometimes went mad when they first entered a time terminal and confronted the shocking realities of the up-time world.
And this shocking reality will cause most of the world to give their full allegiance to him.
What seemed impossible when the season began in November almost became a shocking reality tonight at Byrne Meadowlands Arena.
His hands untying the knot of her robe and then sliding up over her body were a shocking reality.
But Russia's neighbors also learned a shocking new reality: whoever controls the taps also holds the upper hand.
Thurman had lost the use of one eye in an accident, and encountered the shocking reality of his own mortality.
It was, Shimrod reflected, truly a tangled skein of barely plausible possibilities and shocking realities.
The authors were also horrified by the degree to which their fellow citizens willfully ignored the shocking reality of these public fits.
The shocking reality is that some Christians have bought into this lifestyle and claim childlessness as a legitimate option.