How many nurses in the wards we have read about in those shocking reports been sacked?
I would usually always prefer a train, but I have read a few shocking reports of this train journey.
The public was galvanized into acting against pesticides by a shocking report last February from the Natural Resources Defense Council, an environmental group.
This shocking report comes 46 years after the Brown v. Board of Education decision that ended racial segregation.
The three-dimensional eddies from the shocking report quickly swept over the whole land.
Pilru had just delivered a shocking report to the Earl and his Lady.
Soon after his election he had received a shocking report from the Arkansas State Polie on the brutal conditions within the prison system.
Among other details, there have been shocking reports of children being sold for sexual exploitation.
I did not go myself, but I have had very shocking reports of it from fellow Members of this House.
You say that five Member States have not submitted reports, a state of affairs which is, of course, quite shocking.