But Mr. Hill uses them to shockingly good effect, creating a wild, mesmerizing, perversely witty tale of horror.
His early drawings here, done with his brother Charles, are shockingly good.
My mother was a shockingly good person.
In portraying Buddy Love, Mr. Lewis was shockingly good.
The epic "German Symphony" dates to this exile, as does a shockingly good chamber work, "14 Ways of Describing the Rain."
His guesses produce uneven results, but he is shockingly good at not making the worst ones.
Bechtol is a fine company in the growth mode and they offer fast advancement potential and a shockingly good pension.
On a visit earlier this year, the solar-heated water defied expectations; the shower was hot with shockingly good water pressure.
You're Rajkumar Rama-or a shockingly good imitation.
Then they all freeze perfectly still for, like, a minute, as the music swells and we are presented with a shockingly good recreation of a kitsch Nativity painting.