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Once, he cut the trail of a shod horse but lost it.
It is one thing to track two shod horses with riders.
The mark of shod feet beside her knee prints told its own tale.
"A shod horse, the metal of the shoe striking on a stone."
His body ached and his palms felt as though they'd been stepped on by a shod horse.
There was the tramp of shod feet and the low growl of commands.
Twice he had worked along the trail before he found the white scar made by a shod horse on the face of a flat rock.
It seems that feet are getting bigger all the time--shod feet, that is.
Did those shod hooves leave many holes?"
I checked the impulse to stand on my toes so Morrison's shod state didn't make him marginally taller than me.
His shod feet joined the hollow thuds made by the the other people around him as Raj crossed the bridge over to White.
Many shod feet.
He tried to judge from the sounds-the scrape of shod feet, the sound of breathing-what sort of space they were in, how far they'd come.
The sound was instantly familiar, a sort of loud clomping noise as if a shod horse were galloping up a gangplank.
"That's a shod horse.
The pounding of their shod feet hammered loud on the stones, In the forefront raced Zana, her harsh face twisted with fury.
A horse and a mule each-Toes and a shod horse for me, however, as well as a mule.
Before he led away his shod horse, Darby blessed Lindy, and Mex nodded his appreciation.
"Maybe not," said Reilly, "but I can kill you for it" He broke off as the sound of shod feet on deckplates came from behind him.
"By landing on the middle or front of the foot, barefoot runners have almost no impact collision, much less than most shod runners generate when they heel-strike."
Azdra' ik seized his arm and shoved him along, and he saw no choice but walk-in a place made for ambushes, and not for silent passage with a shod horse.
I listened to attendant noises coming on gradually - the scuffles and grunts and curses of men near at hand, a more distant din of shod feet moving at the double, shouted commands.
As much as Ms. Cianciolo's show posed and preened, it had the naive charm of outsider art, with bulky hand-knit hooded vests, simple felt wrap skirts, hand-knit booties over shod feet.
Then, a block away, he heard the hesitating clop-clop of a shod horse's hoofs, the irregular rhythm of an un-ridden horse, uncertain of its way, feeling the weight of loneliness, lacking human guidance.
Bare feet coming out of the darkness to meet shod feet--then both turned away again; the shod feet went downstairs, the bare feet went back down the hall."