Adviser quits Duggan inquiry with attack on 'shoddy investigation'
CBI investigators charged the Noida police with a shoddy investigation, which, it claimed, had resulted in the destruction of 90% of the evidence on the crime scene.
But Pakistan's criminal justice system has a reputation for shoddy investigations, concocted evidence and outlandish perjury.
Troops there have murdered, tortured, raped and looted civilians, but Russia's shoddy investigations have all but guaranteed impunity.
Several committee members complained that this was an example of a shoddy investigation by Mr. Meese's staff.
You claim, erroneously, that former Attorney General Edwin Meese 3d performed a "shoddy" investigation, purportedly to allow the destruction of evidence as a "damage control operation."
Relatives of the girl blamed the local police for shoddy investigation and possible corruption.
The public already knew, for example, that before seeking a court-appointed prosecutor, Attorney General Edwin Meese's shoddy investigation let some White House culprits destroy evidence.
Police has no clue about the culprits and whereabouts of the people involved in this crime and a shoddy investigation is still going on.
Victims have also complained of shoddy investigations, with prosecutors losing track of evidence.