- suffered from unremarkable designs and often shoddy quality.
Each segment of the project followed a rigid schedule, with no excuses permitted for lateness or shoddy quality.
However, as the leather was of shoddy quality at best, the boots leaked and could not be made satisfactorily water-resistant.
The shoddy quality of his concert performing speaks to a more complicated relationship.
Iraq kept churning out new money, but the bills were of shoddy quality.
Praying for one's own enemy is nothing more than bargain-basement anger, and of a decidedly shoddy and inferior quality!
Britain was a surprising choice, given its history of bitter strikes, shoddy quality and low productivity.
Still, Ms. Sanchez said she was concerned about the shoddy quality of some work by black authors.
And at one point she steps forward to apologize to us for what she calls "the shoddy quality" of a certain gag.
Given the shoddy quality of goods produced in Eastern Europe, Western markets won't be taking up the slack any time soon.