If so, how does it change from a personalized shoestring operation to a formal program with a budget and steady income?
It still arrives four times a year, looking very professional for a product of a shoestring operation.
This thing has been a shoestring operation for years.
But a successful collection can strain that kind of shoestring operation.
Nor have the candidates, most of whom are running shoestring operations, had much time to take their platforms to Haiti's seven million people.
But as far as journalism goes, the three have one thing in common: by network standards, they are shoestring operations.
It's a shoestring operation, barely a hundred billion dollar budget.
Whether this shoestring operation will be able to pull off such grand plans is not certain.
The cost of Bryan's legal defense and a $1000 fine on the first charge eventually put the shoestring operation out of business.
The Jupiter has always been a shoestring operation, but an endearing one.