In the final mission, the player must go into a huge warehouse to destroy a giant red alien with multiple limbs, shooting zombies and aliens (and not shooting S.T.A.A.R. team members).
The player controls a schooner, shooting aliens (called Morgs) and tumbleweeds in order to woo people back to live in an abandoned city somewhere in the Southwestern United States.
Throughout the game, the player moves his way shooting a robots, aliens, mutants and huge vehicles that tries to impede the player's progress.
The player travels around strange scenarios shooting aliens.
At times you will have to shoot aliens and rescue humans, making sure to shoot the aliens with your alien-killing button and saving the humans with your human-saving button.
Archer and Reed board the ship with explosives and upgraded pistols, shooting several aliens including the science research team.
The analogy that students solve equations to get more ammo to shoot aliens is slightly incorrect.
The game is about shooting aliens by doing Maths.
You want me, whose hand-eye coordination is almost nonexistent even when completely sober, to sit down and shoot aliens, or dodge bombs, or roll marbles at a frenzied pace that only neo-adolescents can enjoy?
In the game, the player has to shoot zombies and aliens with his flamethrower and other weapons, rescuing hostages along the way.