The project required a crew of over 120 people and a team of six animators who shot continuously for 57 weeks.
Each set was connected through a series of hallways and passageways allowing the crew to shoot continuously without revealing any set backings or lights.
It can shoot continuously at up to 6 frames per second with a maximum shutter speed of 1/6000th of a second.
Sekhar is planning to complete the project under 50 days and will shoot continuously in old Hyderabad.
The British public, it seems, would prefer to have a government that continuously shoots itself and them in both feet.
The player must defeat Gonarch by continuously shooting the sac underneath it.
Usually a single camera - often a pool camera from which all news organizations must take their feeds - shoots continuously from a fixed location.
We can't continuously shoot 32 percent.
They continuously shot at Dutch troops throughout the month of September.
Shooting while moving dramatically decreases accuracy, and holding the trigger down to continuously shoot produces severe recoil.