The ball is generally flicked either with the thumb and forefinger in a manner similar to shooting marbles, or another manner comfortable to the player.
At the night market, people can experience the traditional carnival games such as balloon shooting, net fish, shooting marbles, and a collection of mini games.
You stay here long enough, you start shooting marbles.
And throughout Europe, other adults play a variation of the game in pubs, shooting marbles with one hand while holding a drink in the other.
The Countess Krak would have made top Mafia hit men look like kids shooting marbles.
He grew up in poverty and had to shoot marbles as a teenager to avoid going hungry.
It was rough, except I had two boys take care of me, because they realised I could shoot marbles.
Yes, baby boomers, believe it or not, at that time tykes occasionally argued theology even while shooting marbles and pitching baseball cards.
"We'd get on the floor together and shoot marbles and we liked to play cards," Ware said.
I was out in the driveway, shooting marbles in the dirt, more or less waitin for him.