Instead, he spent his summer building a robot with telescoping arms that had the ability to shoot rockets.
I haven't seen him since before you people started shooting rockets at me.
They were using it as a base to shoot rockets, he said, and the Israelis fired back.
She can fly, shoot rockets, and fire bullets with the suit.
Sobering stuff and a lesson not to shoot rockets point blank into buildings you are hiding behind.
We engaged many cells and now there are fewer Hamas members to shoot rockets," he says.
"You've got to promise to give me time to put on a blindfold before you start shooting rockets at me."
At midnight, the villages in the hills shoot fireworks and rockets into the sky.
They shoot rockets at us across the border, and hit schools and hospitals.
When they shot rockets at us back on Earth, we didn't have even a pea-shooter to shoot back with.