Due to the tight budget and not being able to afford to many shooting days, five cameras where rolling at the same time.
In the year immediately preceding the Hollywood boycott, the city reported 31,746 shooting days, a 33 percent increase over 1989.
The number of shooting days for television shows reached 7,458, up from 6,439 in 1996, or 16 percent.
Total no. of shooting days were just 5 in comparison to any normal film taking anywhere between 60 to 120 days.
The movie was made on a budget of US$130,000 and had 21 shooting days.
I left the film after about 10 shooting days to look for another famous actor who would be directing his first feature.
The filming began in fall 1997 and had 78 shooting days.
Herzog was allowed six shooting days of four hours each.
Eventually she managed to gain 10 shooting days access to Paris.
The film's production took about two and a half years and included 80 shooting days.