LEAD: The police today arrested a teen-age suspect in the shooting of four students outside a high school here Thursday.
Security was visibly increased after the shooting of four Hasidic students in a van on the Brooklyn Bridge on Tuesday.
On April 17, 2007, a memorial convocation was held there in response to the shootings of 32 students and faculty on the Virginia Tech campus the previous day.
On 13 May, the shooting of four students at Trisakti University in Jakarta, caused extreme anger, which in turn led to widespread riots and lootings.
High School, was arrested in connection with the shooting of two students Tuesday.
The fatal shooting last week of two students in Jefferson's hallways has increased the momentum for an alternative high school in its East New York neighborhood.
Virginia Tech, as most people will recall, was the site of the tragic shooting of 32 students and staff members by a student on the campus in 2007.
The fatal shooting of four students at Kent State University in 1970 led to nation-wide university protests.
Ostriker began composing The Mother/Child Papers after the birth of her son, a few days following the shooting of four students at Kent State.
The recent shooting of two young students at a Brooklyn high school shocked the nation.