Some shops belonging to Jews were also plundered by Greek soldiers.
In 2007, the association counted 210 traders and entrepreneurs as members and over 9,000 consumers committed to buy only at shops belonging to the "pizzo-free" list.
The product would have been distributed and sold by 400+ shops belonging to Mac Fisheries, the fish mongers he bought from 1918 onwards.
When they reached Bhatkal they were unable to construct a temple immediately and kept these two symbols in a shop belonging to a devotee.
More than 30 shops were looted, both shops belonging to big chains as well as small businesses.
The pair were also charged with a virtually identical burglary of a shop belonging to a George Worthington.
A number of shops belonging the neighboring street and market are integrated into its base.
In downtown Flushing's western end are shops and restaurants belonging to Taiwanese immigrants.
A joiner's shop belonging to him was washed clean down, and all his tools and stock of wood carried off.
T Map Asotrama, the shop belonging to the association of Maya women weavers, is just uphill from the park.