Melnikov also designed privately commissioned, unimportant architectural jobs - summer houses, shop interiors, some of which materialized.
A shop interior in good lighting, one perp popping out from behind cover-exactly what cover was different each time the thing ran-with a handgun.
They are mostly small projects, including a number of shop interiors for Issey Miyake.
H Map Here's a sterling example of a successful restaurant owner who won't update, modernise or even clean up the shop interior.
So it does, as one peers into the elegant shop interiors and windows.
In an attempt to brighten up the town centre, large posters showing real shop interiors are being put into empty shops.
The shop interiors were based on old-fashioned butchers, with traditional tiled floors and walls.
The closed back window is like a glass-fronted 'box'- the backing completely blocks out the shop interior.
Naveed's shop interior was in Hillington industrial estate.
A great deal could be done with shop interiors in terms of the layout and presentation of goods.