The outside portion of Mountain Heart contained only homes, with market squares, parks, and a few shops scattered here and there among them.
But it is the 180 shops scattered across England, Wales and Northern Ireland that contribute by far the most.
Moreover, there are several shops scattered through the game where Latok can buy stronger swords, armours and shields.
It is a mainly residential area with housing and small clusters of independent local shops scattered throughout.
A beautiful esplanade ran beside the unusual feature, with shops and entertainment venues scattered along meandering paths.
Nevertheless, pockets of high-quality Dakota and Ojibway crafts can still be found in shops scattered throughout the state.
Most of the shops are located on a small section of Simmat Avenue, with a few other shops scattered around the suburb.
Some items may be purchased or stolen from shops scattered about the caves, though the shopkeeper becomes a powerful enemy if you steal from him.
Ladurée is world famous for its macaroons and sells more than 12,000 of them daily out of four shops scattered across Paris.
Muramasa, a bladesmith, has shops scattered throughout the game world where players can purchase useful items and upgrades for Ryu's weapons.