And well into the 1970's, local residents say, Troy remained a shopping mecca.
Chester, in fact, has become a destination unto itself, a shopping mecca.
This upscale shopping mecca near Waikiki is a gold mine, with annual sales of more than $1 billion.
The A & D building is an integral part of a neighborhood long known as a shopping mecca for the interior design trade.
The old five-and-dime, a shopping mecca here for years, closed Oct. 31.
Officials here are hoping that the mall will become a regional shopping mecca that could even compete with Chicago.
First, they looked to retail, but the threat of competition from nearby suburban shopping meccas quickly scuttled that idea.
It opened in 1948 as the transportation core of Hempstead Village, then a shopping mecca.
It makes sense that he would choose the region's most frankly female shopping mecca as the backdrop for his meditation on women and shopping.
In the last five or six years, the Bronx Terminal Market has become a shopping mecca for the city's growing African population.