A New Jersey survey of shore resorts found summer rentals and hotel reservations as much as 10 percent to 15 percent ahead of last year.
Fonyód ranks as the second largest of the south shore resorts, and ferries run from here to Badacsony.
The region encompasses some of the former steel towns of Pennsylvania and the shore resorts of New Jersey.
The islands, long sandy strips of land immediately off the coast, are home to many of the nation's shore resorts and coastal towns.
Mr. Fee, for his part, acknowledged the advantages of the shore resort, and said his boss did too.
These men constituted the Public Safety Committee of the prosperous shore resort.
All in all, it was the kind of weekend that places like this crowded shore resort live for.
That could be the motto for just about any vacation at this tiny shore resort on the southern tip of New Jersey.
At the end of the day you're never quite sure whether you've been betting on the horses or spending a day at a shore resort.