A probable contribution to this decision was a short, but dramatic, bout with cancer, soon after the crisis over the failure of the media bill.
Frank died on October 31, 2008 after a short bout of illness.
"I had a short bout with alcohol and drugs," he said.
Her shoulders bowed slightly, the short bout of rebellion gone.
Despite living underground, they have been known to climb trees and other structures in the short bouts of time spent on the surface.
Jack Lewis died on May 24, 2009 after a short bout with cancer.
Someone might take him, in a short bout.
Near the end of the hour, the kids put on their gloves and each fights one short bout.
He died after a short bout with an unknown illness on 22 June 1276.
Some patients report short bouts of 3-7 days of being sick while others have cases that can last for weeks or months.