Another short causeway led from the edge of the river across low-lying muddy ground almost to the walls themselves.
After washing, he turned back toward the tower and walked across the short causeway and into the great room.
He walked across the short causeway, but stopped short of the door.
A chain of autonomous units, they were linked by short causeways between the elevator wells at the end of each building.
Noticing these things, I rode over a short causeway to the house.
It is connected to mainland Nova Scotia by a short causeway.
It heads northeast, crossing over the northernmost portion of Lake Carmel on a short causeway.
It is connected to Umm an Nasan by a short causeway.
Coaster's Island, a hundred-acre affair, was connected to the town by a pair of short causeways.
Maandhoo is linked with the regional domestic airport at Kadhdhoo by a short causeway.