We headed for home, making a short detour to the supermarket.
On the spur of the moment, Troi decided to take a short detour.
I still think systems like this one will just be short detours on the road to self-driving vehicles.
As it's only a few miles away, a short detour won't hurt us.
The Msta makes a short detour to the district in its northern part.
As the Commodore said, this is only a short detour.
Otherwise to get water it will be necessary to make a short detour to the stone quarry, where there is a natural supply.
I had to come into town anyway; it was only a short detour to your place.
He asked if I would mind taking a short detour to look at it.
On the other hand, taking a short detour from a direct route to visit one or more counties is called dipping.