In a short epilogue, the Azumi princess runs through her homeland celebrating with many of the characters.
Cinema Shares cut this short epilogue, with the exception of the final shot of the statue.
A short epilogue looks ahead to Sermon's fiftieth birthday.
After the credits, a short epilogue involves Death stopping the limo in a dark space and looking at the heavens.
At the end of the game, a short epilogue is played as well as the words "to be continued."
A short epilogue was added to the film.
A short epilogue set two weeks later shows the surviving men preparing to leave the island as Attwater's own ship approaches.
After the characters destroy the final boss, each member of the group is treated to a short epilogue detailing his or her future exploits.
A short epilogue shows the huge basilica where the tree once stood.
Music and dancing follow, after which Rosalind turns to the audience and delivers a short epilogue.