Still, despite having to rush blindly through short expanses of cavern.
It's wild enough, with untrammelled sands, dunes and, towards the western end, great salt-meadows, but over a shorter, two-mile expanse.
Where the water came over the ground, it was only for short expanses and shallow.
He then makes a dash across a short expanse of exposed territory before getting to the wall.
To the right was a short expanse of wall and then a series of arches that swept away from the wall at a right angle.
Stephen Harris, an instructor at Chelsea Piers, describes it as a straightforward traverse across a short expanse of friendly rock.
Different sets of projectile points were found within a regional geographic area, made from local stone, an indication that Archaic people ranged across shorter expanses of land.
They sat together on another blue sofa across the room, separated from her by a coffee table and a short expanse of wood floor.
The click of its release halted her questioning gasp, and she watched the small dart zoom across the short expanse.
Within a short expanse of time, a bucket brigade had begun, with tar-filled pails coming up the ropes and empty buckets moving back down for refilling.