"Bunny," one of the five films nominated in the animated short film category, will be broadcast over the Internet through Wednesday.
The Web broadcast is a first in the short film category, a spokesman for the American Academy of Arts and Sciences said.
He announced that for the first time a student short film category has been included in this year's film fest.
Kumar became the only Indian to be nominated for an Oscar in the short film category.
It received an Academy Award in the animated short film category in 1990.
Dušan Vukotić, the first Yugoslav Oscar winner, for the short animated film category in 1961.
It is given to an individual who has performed in a lead, supporting or guest role of television, feature film and short film categories.
There were 16 feature film categories, five digital feature categories and four short film categories.
Once the film is complete, she hopes it will be entered in the short film category in another competition: the Academy Awards.
The film has been nominated in the short film category at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival.