Particularly notable about the taxon were its relatively short forearms, much shorter in proportion compared to those of other members of its family.
However, its short forearms rule it out of the Alialae.
The Neanderthal has shorter forearms and shins, a broader trunk and virtually no waist.
Extending her short forearms with claws unsheathed, she lunged at the man.
Most had their shoulders hunched clumsily, and their short forearms hung weakly at their sides.
A short forearm affects speed and jumping events, but has little effect on stock horse events.
They possess short but powerful clawed forearms and large snapping mouths lined with sharp teeth.
Its jaws snapped below Hunter's dangling feet and its short, skinny forearms were not long enough to reach up very high at all.
Alter it came another paw, and after that a great black-furred arm to which both of the paws were attached by short forearms.
Then he leaped to the short forearm Kilminth raised and was lifted high enough to throw his leg over the next-to-last ridge on the dragon's neck.