Its body was nearly erect Its short forelegs were muscled as powerfully as it's others.
Its long hindlegs, short forelegs, and distinctive joints all suggest bipedalism.
It is mid-brown, has large erect ears, very short forelegs and long powerful hind legs.
Chaka pointed at a skeleton the size of a small deer, with short forelegs.
They look like kangaroos due to having many similarities such as long hind legs, very short forelegs, and long tails.
Although he was of reasonable height, he came no higher than her short foreleg.
Then the dragon pointed out similar studs and buttons set in his own harness, within reach of his short forelegs.
And the sun caught on a glistening band about its short foreleg just beneath the joint of the taloned pawhands.
The cannon bone, etc., as for the foreleg short and strong.
The short or twisted forelegs cause mobility problems and such cats may adapt by using their hindlegs in a hopping gait.