Stegosaurus had very short forelimbs in relation to its hind legs.
Mahakala also had very short forelimbs compared to other Dromaeosaurs.
The hind limbs are large and muscular compared to the short forelimbs.
When underwater, its body is long and streamlined, with the short forelimbs pressed closely against the chest.
It had leaf-shaped teeth, short forelimbs and a stiff tail.
It has muscular shoulders, short powerful forelimbs and strong digging claws.
This characteristic of short forelimbs can usually be seen in bipedal reptiles.
The mole has a pair of short, spade-like forelimbs for burrowing.
On the backs of its short forelimbs are patterns of what look like modern bird feathers.
It also has short forelimbs and long back limbs.