Fighting from a low wrestling stance, he got rocked by a short left hook.
I pulled him away from the fence, bringing my right hand around in a short hook to his gut.
Owen was knocked out by a double short hook for over 15 minutes.
I did it twice more, short hooks before he could get his right shoulder and arm up for cover.
Tucker came out strong in round 1, hitting Tyson on the side of the head with a short left hook.
Connecticut took its first lead of the second half when Jeff King hit a short hook to make it 48-47.
One leaped at Keen, but a short left hook put him flat on his back.
"Yeah," I said and hit him a short left hook that landed under his right eye.
I knocked him down with a short left hook.
A short left hook dropped Dang in the first minute and the rest was a matter of time.