Mind you, the shift to a substantially shorter interregnum came while the country was mired in an enormous crisis, the greatest economic depression in its history.
The principal advantage of hereditary monarchy is the immediate continuity of leadership, usually with a short interregnum (as seen in the classic phrase "The King is dead.
In 1869, he was elected to be the capintesta (head-in-chief) of the Camorra by the twelve district heads (capintriti), succeeding Salvatore De Crescenzo after a short interregnum.
The people of Egypt need the space to think through many issues and this short interregnum might give them that chance.
After a reign twenty one years, Kandalanu died in 627 B.C. and was after a short interregnum succeeded by Nabopolassar.
Not much is known about Jamasp himself, and his name occurs only in conjunction with his short interregnum.
In a word, they know nothing and also do not care about anything; altogether they seem to regard the whole government as only a short, unsustainable interregnum.
Indeed, more and more Mexicans began to think of the entire intervention as "a short, unsustainable interregnum."
After a short interregnum Brunswick was occupied from 1807 to 1813 by the French and became part of the Kingdom of Westphalia.
After a short interregnum under Helen Mathieson, the school appointed Olga Hay, a protégé and old family friend of Isabel Henderson, as headmistress in 1937.