One of the biggest differences in digestion in the shark when compared to mammals is the extremely short intestine.
In addition, fruit-eating species have short intestines, whereas those that eat seeds have longer ones.
The results showed that, relative to body weight, the insect-eaters had shorter intestines, but longer gut passage times than the Sylvia species.
Logically, it makes sense that food takes less time to go through a shorter intestine, Dr. Michelassi said.
Similar to other fish species with animal-based diets, they have large mouths, short intestines, a reduced number of pharyngeal teeth, and a primitively shaped basiocciptial bone.
It has muscles, a large stomach and short intestine, a cloaca, an excretory system, nerve ganglia, organs sensitive to touch and a pair of ovaries.
The stomach opens into a short intestine that terminates in a cloaca on the posterior dorsal surface of the animal.
One of the biggest differences between the digestive systems of sharks and mammals is that sharks have much shorter intestines.
Tabatha was born with a short intestine, and so was unable to digest food.