Hang all clothes by length with the shorter items at one end.
Robert soon began writing book reviews and other short items which he then submitted to Jerome.
Historically, many movie theatres presented a number of shorter items in addition to the feature film.
The book is filled with fascinating and disturbing short items that underscore the ramifications of the event.
They were asked to write short items based on the weeks newspapers around the theme of death.
While this is fine for short items it misses out the real benefits of stylesheets.
Most programs will include a couple of feature stories supplemented by short items on what's happening around town.
This was a collection of short items, most of which had already appeared in print or on the air.
By 1962, the column, primarily a "three dot" compilation of short items, was running five days a week.
Constructed like a miniature revue or variety show, it consisted of short items by the two companies.