Maybe I could just make a short itinerary for Mexico and just trace my route?
Explore Worldwide (0800 227 8747; A variety of short and long itineraries.
To make a shorter itinerary, drop Ayuthya, spend one day at Suhkothai, and skip Lampang.
Weak demand for Caribbean sailings is leading many cruise lines to slash prices in an effort to spur sales, with the best bargains on short itineraries.
A complete circuit embracing all 50 stops takes a good three hours, but the guidebooks offer three shorter itineraries, of 30, 45 and 60 minutes.
There are also now shorter itineraries, so if you don't have three weeks off, you can go for 10 days.
They offer clear, colorful maps, driving times from major cities, descriptions of the regions and their wines, short and lengthy itineraries, and times and places for local wine festivals.
Just to make sure you've got the logistics clear in your own mind: could you write up a short itinerary of exactly how many nights you plan to spend in each destination?
For shorter itineraries, a 30 percent "See Australia" discount is available on any fare for visitors traveling more than 600 miles.
The best bargains are for short itineraries.