A drop from the window, a short jog across the roof, and he could go right down into the office building, which was closed for the night.
"A bleached cedar-and-glass creation of clean lines and well-lit rooms is a short jog from the airport fence," it says.
When she was finished, Paul went for a short jog as Adrienne showered and dressed.
It was a short jog to the house, and Bolan expected an alarm to go at any time.
The highway makes a short jog to the east and then continues north towards Hayti.
He took a short jog between each hard run.
The ride was more than a dozen blocks, and terminated after a short jog along the cross street where the Metrolite was located.
From there a short jog to the 10.
On a station stratotractor, from anywhere to anywhere was a very short jog.
It was a short jog to his waiting car, close by the railroad tracks that formed the northern boundary of the warehouse district.