To avoid numerous short portages, the Grand Portage was developed.
Both countries have many navigable rivers with short portages between them.
Flatwater trips, 13 miles with one short portage and four-canoe minimum.
A short portage connects its headwaters to the Sym River, which flows into the Yenisei.
Ten miles, a short steep portage, then another mile or so on a smaller lake.
Access to Lake Windigo is by a short portage from Cass Lake on the north side of the island.
Up to the headwaters of the Rat, a short portage over the Divide and you're in the Bell.
The campsites are accessible by water and a short portage via the Grass River and Phillips Lake.
We had only one short portage to cross before we arrived back at the car, but Algonquin still had a special moment in store.
Three miles farther on the two men were faced with a shorter but no less arduous portage on account of a smaller waterfall called the Rettarfoss.