The governor was presented initially as an inclusive moderate with a short but impressive record in Texas.
It's a short record, and there's much to pay attention to.
Rocker responded by saving 38 games, one short of the team record.
In that period, which also set a record, many short- sellers made a lot of money because of falling prices.
It is a short record, just 34 minutes long, but its breadth is dazzling.
They finished the season 39-2 at home, one win short of the best all-time home record.
Lemieux is one short of the Penguins record for goals in consecutive games.
Howell threw five wild pitches, one short of the major league record.
It was their 10th consecutive playoff victory, two short of the league record.
He also had an 11-game scoring streak, one short of the team record.